This map shows Model Mars locations (fictional), in relation to each other and to landing sites of past and future Mars missions (real).

  • Located in North-East Syrtis Major, and named for Mimi Aung, the engineer who designed the first Mars helicopter, Ingenuity, which took its first flights on a nearby level plain in 2021.

    Deposits of precious metals lie within 50 meters of the surface.

  • Located in the region of Lycus Sulci, on the north-west flanks of Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in the solar system.

    Named for JPL engineer Donna Shirley, who led the team that landed the first rover (Sojourner Truth) on Mars in 1997.

    Natural Resources: Deep-well brines, iron ores and metal deposits, the product of volcanic activity, heat, and hydrothermal alteration.

  • Located in a series of inter-connected lava tubes on the northwest side of Arsia Mons, which has the highest concentration of volcanic caves on Mars.

    This settlement, built in a giant lava tube, is named for Percival Lowell’s assistant Wrexie Louise Leonard, one of the first women to study Mars through a big telescope.

    Includes largest continuous volume of breathable air for human community and extensive underground farms powered by passive geothermal energy.

  • Located in the region of Erebus Montes, Mars, near the first SpaceX landing site (2030s), where the earliest Mars settlements were established.

    Natural Resources: Plentiful water ice and methane gas hydrate deposits.

  • The Commons, a location shared by all Mars residents, hosts the Mars Museum and the Zubrin Mars Transit Hub. Major events, including annual cultural festivals and all-settlement conventions, are held here.

These maps were generated from the topographic map of Mars developed by the US Geological Survey and based on data from the Mars Orbital Laser Altimeter (MOLA), an instrument on NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor satellite. The map was prepared by Nicole Bardabelias (University of Arizona), lead targeter for the High Resolution Imaging Experiment (HiRISE) Camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) satellite.